
Relationships are great! Then all of a sudden they are not.  And like everything else in life they need constant care and attention to stay great. When you are experiencing those tough times, and everything seems to be getting out of control, turn towards your partner and try a “repair event” to help defuse the tension and reinforce your bond.


A repair event can be as simple as:

·      Taking responsibility for your role in the conflict

·      Humour (without sarcasm!)

·      Empathy by letting your partner know you understand them

·      Being affectionate or giving your partner a compliment

·      Telling your partner that you're in the relationship together


There will always be tension in relationships and there may even be times you fight with your partner. What really matters is at these time instead of turning away from your partner, turn towards them and try a repair events. By turning towards your partner and making repairs, you and your partner will stay positive and keep enjoying the wonderful relationship you share.